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Tuesday July 24, 2001

Should I divulge?

This has been one of those days where I have all these weird thoughts running through my head and nobody around me would ever know it. I don't think anyone would notice, because I keep half of this crap to myself. Am I cutting myself off by doing that? Sometimes I get worried about people I know, like friends and family visiting my site, because they've probably never heard most of this from me directly. I don't think that it's the greatest thing to express myself by technological means only, but I feel weird just letting it all out. So anyway, I've been thinking. Mostly about stuff like school, and the fact that I'll be living away from home, and away from everything familiar, and how great that's going to be. I like that it's going to change me, because I'll be more independent. And I'll have a clean slate with the people I'm going to be living with at school. And maybe I'll get used to being myself, so much so that I'll be myself when I come home too. And maybe I'll be able to say the things that I write, instead of hoping to get my point accross using a domain. Maybe maybe maybe...
