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Friday March 19, 2004

Advertisers go away

Lately I've noticed that some of my comment pages are getting filled with advertisements for shady internet "pharmacies" hawking crap like propecia and viagara. Sometimes, these ads come in bunches, filling up my comment threads like I just wrote something uber-controversial. This is exactly why I started paying for server space... because I was fed up with ads plastered all over free servers' websites. Guerilla advertizing sucks. The junkmail, comments spam, and pop-ups are sucking away everything good about the web... all to make a dollar. Go away, and start doing something with your life more important than spamming a personal website.



Put one of those thingies on your comment form where the commenter has to type in the numbers or combination of letters in the box... then you don't get spammers.

michelle on March 19, 2004 09:28 PM

I had the same problem at ... not so much right now, but I"m sure it will start up again. It's annoying. Bah. :P

Courtney on March 20, 2004 10:59 AM

Try the MT Blacklist plug-in. It's easy to install and works wonders. I have it installed and it really does work to combat spam comments.

Shawn on March 21, 2004 09:32 PM

Ooh yay thanks Shawn!

Drina on March 21, 2004 10:58 PM