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Sunday October 02, 2005

A bummer

Although I'm not the obsessed Tribe fan I used to be, I was relly pumped about this year. I really thought the Indians had a chance. Darn those ChiSox.


Baseball. Yawn.


Kid Charlemagne on October 2, 2005 10:43 PM

Drina-diva, I switched to ZoneLabs' Internet Security Suite Monday morning and now the moving smileys don't move!

From the Phantom Zone, Kid Charlemagne

Kid Charlemagne on October 3, 2005 02:29 PM

Drina-diova and all: I just googled Pinky and the Brain (which sounds truly perverted ), and found a site:

which features "K'Pinky and the Brain", a PatB/StarTrek crossover. It's quite amusing.

Qap'la!, Kid Charlemagne

Kid Charlemagne on October 3, 2005 02:46 PM

Drina-DIVA, a preview feature WOULD BE NICE...


Kid Charlemagne on October 3, 2005 02:48 PM

That would mean I have to build another template and I'm too lazy for that. Maybe if you beg me.

Drina on October 4, 2005 12:41 AM